Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big Girl Jenna

Jenna had her 4 month Doctor's Appointment on 10/18/07. She is 15.4 lbs, and 23 1/4 in. In a percentage break down that means she is the 75th percentile for weight, 95th percentile for height, and 25th percentile for her head width. The Doctor said she had a peanut head! She did get her shots, which she hates!
Jenna has officially started eating rice ceral. After her first Big Girl Meal she was sitting in Daddy's lap and she was just so wiggily. Daddy placed her on the floor to play and she just started scooting everywhere. Then out of no where she rolled over (from back to front). Now she is a rolling girl. Except for now when she gets on her belly she gets stuck! She forgot how to roll back over to her back, so we have to help her!

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