Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jenna and her personality!

Jenna is growing up so fast. I can't believe how quick time is flying by!

Jenna is learning all kinds of new skills. Jenna has begun flipping over right as I take her dirty diaper off. She leaves me with the full moon view! When she gets really happy she starts slapping her hands on the ground. Yesterday she started clapping! She loves to crawl in circles, and runaway from you when you go to get her.

Last but not least, Jenna is learning the meaning behind "NO", and "STOP". I can tell you this, she does not like to be told no. It's like her feelings are hurt when you tell her no. She does know when she is not suppose to do something, because she will watch you while slowly moving her hand towards the no, no item! Sneaky already!

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